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LEADER Applications for Rural Enterprise & Farm Diversification Projects
Published: Thursday, 31 August 2017
The Rural Enterprise Group (REG) which has responsibility for making assessments and funding decisions on Rural Enterprise and Farm Diversification Projects has now set dates for the next two meetings
25 October 2017
31 January 2018
Applications for assessment at these meetings must be fully completed (Application Form, Project Plan, Cashflow, Milestones and Project Evaluation Summary) and submitted to the LEADER Team with all supporting documentation (see Application Form Part 10) at least 8 weeks before the date of the meeting at which the project is to be assessed. This includes the requirement to demonstrate that costs are reasonable by providing three quotes (or estimates by appropriate professionals) for all costs.
The deadline for applications to be submitted to the October meeting has now passed and applicants should note that applications for the January 2018 meeting should be submitted by 30 November at the latest to allow for the Christmas period.
Please contact the LEADER Team on 01463 702570 if you have any queries.